Tuesday, April 8, 2008

History of Child Soldiers in Uganda and Sudan.

Over twenty years ago a rebel group was formed,headed by a demonic inspired medium known as joseph Kony, this group was named the Lords Resistance Army (LRA)and it aimed to overthrow the newly formed Ugandan Government (lead by president Yowri Museveni) and turn the ten commandments into Ugandan law. During Kony's Continuous attack's on the Ugandan military in the outskirts of Northern Uganda hundreds of Kony's troops were being slaughtered by the Ugandan military and so the rebel group was running low on troops, until Kony got the sick idea to abduct young children and use them as pawns in his fight against the government, and turn them into Child Soldiers.
Joseph Kony now calls himself a good christian and says that he lives by the ten commandments (but funny how one of the commandments is thy shalt not kill and Kony has killed thousands of people), Kony is a self styled mystic, ruthless leader and merciless person who has brought Northern Uganda to its knees.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

your doing a good job Chris!